Thank you for joining the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology Online Course!
We're very excited to get going and together apply a systems thinking perspective to your business model to transform towards a sustainable, resilient, and regenerative organization!
In a moment you will receive an email summarising all the practical details of the course as well as a clear outline of the different topics we will be discussing throughout the course.
The course starts June 22nd and finishes July 30th .
Each week I will release several new short videos highlighting one of the 4 systemic perspectives described below and supply you with unique templates to apply this perspective to your own business model.
Each week there will be a (optional) live-session to discuss and learn with each other about what everyone has done and to clarify any doubts about the material of that week. Your weekly time-investment will be between 2 and 4 hours.
Over the course of the weeks prior to the course starting date we will send you some more information to help you prepare for the upcoming course, so keep an eye on your inbox!